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Unlocking the Secret to Breaking Your Child’s Phone Addiction.



How I Helped My Nephew Disconnect and Reconnect with the Real World

One day, I noticed my 6-year-old nephew’s obsession with phones and worried about how much time he spent on them. Instead of scolding him, I decided to find a way to keep him busy and engaged. I searched for DIY toys and crafts on Instagram and YouTube, and we recreated them together.

In today’s digital age, it’s no secret that our children are spending more time on their phones than ever before. While technology has its benefits, it’s essential to encourage kids to explore other interests and develop new skills.

I bought materials like cardboard, gum, straw, toothpicks, and cartons, and we made beautiful crafts and toys. The best part was that he loved it and would come to my room excitedly to continue with our projects. As a result, he spent less time on his phone, which made me very happy.

Here are some tips on how you can help your kids be less obsessed with their phones.

Encourage them to explore other interests.

Kids are naturally curious about a variety of things. Encourage them to explore other interests, such as sports, arts and crafts, music, or reading. You can introduce them to new hobbies or activities or let them choose what they want to do. By engaging in other activities, they will be less focused on their phones.

Set limits on screen time.

It’s essential to set limits on screen time for kids. Too much screen time can negatively impact their development and health. You can set specific times during the day when they can use their phone for leisure activities, such as after homework or during the weekend. Additionally, you can set a specific time limit for using the phone daily.

Find creative ways to keep them engaged.

Kids love to be engaged in creative and fun activities. You can find DIY toys and crafts or do-it-yourself games that will keep them busy and teach them to be resourceful and eco-friendly. You can use cardboard, paper, and other recyclable materials to create fun and educational toys and games. Check out this video of DIY projects you can do with your kids:

Read books with them.

Reading is a great way to help your child develop language and communication skills. By reading books with them, you can help them improve their vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. Additionally, setting an example by reading yourself will encourage your child to see reading as a fun and rewarding activity.

Be a role model.

Kids learn by example, so it’s essential to be a role model when it comes to phone usage. If you’re always on your phone, your child will be more likely to follow suit. Make a conscious effort to limit your phone usage and engage in other activities, such as reading or spending time outdoors.

It’s important to note that there are also disadvantages to too much phone usage for kids. Excessive screen time can negatively impact their brain development, attention span, and sleep patterns. Studies have shown that kids who spend more time on their phones have a higher risk of developing anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

In conclusion, by encouraging kids to explore other interests, setting limits on screen time, finding creative ways to keep them engaged, reading books with them, and being role models, we can help them be less obsessed with their phones while also protecting their health and wellbeing. It’s essential to guide our kids in this technological world and help them become well-rounded individuals.

Thanks for reading!




Written by Oluwafisayo

Join me on a journey of adventure through my captivating fiction stories and journals. Creating environmental stories for kids that weave in valuable morals.

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